Hey guys, this will be the last post for the Student Blogging Challenge. I will really miss posting every week. Out of the posts I’ve done is about the one about my school. I think that one is interesting because I have no post talking about my school other than my work. Since this is my last post I asked some of my classmates to give there opinions.
http://hmssophie.edublogs.org/ hmssophie said that my blog looked very positive and she said it looked great!
This week I’ll be writing about the holiday crafts that we do for Easter. One of the crafts we do is dye an egg. To color the egg we first combine white vinegar and these circular tablets that you put into the vinegar to make it another color. You will need an egg and something to get it out of the substance. For example, you could use a spoon to get the egg out. When you put the egg in the colored vinegar put it in gently. Let it sit in the combination until the egg is fully covered in the color. Finally, lift the egg out of the colorful vinegar. Hopefully, you enjoyed this weeks post. Please put in some of your holiday crafts!
Hey guys, today you have to guess the song. I will put the part of the song lyrics and you will have to tell me who the songs name is. It will slowly get harder to guess the song. Now that you got it we can start the challenge. Good luck!
I want you to be happier, I want you to be happier when the morning comes when we see what we’ve become
I know you love her, but it’s over, mate It doesn’t matter put the phone away
Took four years to call it quits forget that boy I’m over it.
Look at the answer key below to find out how many you got right! Make sure to put what you got in comments!
Hey everybody, I just wanted to describe what my school looks like because that is part of this week’s Student Blogging Challenge. My school is small compared to many other schools so its not that difficult to get around. There are two buildings one is for the middle schoolers and one of elementary. There is a gym, dojos, pool, and a Japanese building. That is my description of my school!
Many schools that I have visited are much bigger. They have many more classrooms and the schools have much more people. We only have 12 people in our class but there are some classes that have 30. Some of my friends that go to other schools say that they have a lot less homework than me. Even though my school may be small I still enjoy it!
Hi everyone I hope you all had a great spring break! For this post, I will be telling you about what I did for my spring break! I didn’t go on a trip this spring because my dad came back from the mainland. Since we are moving all we did was clean up the house. We were mostly getting ready for the open house. Although my spring break wasn’t that interesting I still got to see my dad.
Not every day was boring though! I went to Ice Palace and met up with my cousins. At Ice Palace, I struggled to skate because I’m not that great at it. After that, I went to a park where you could feed Koi. That was probably the best day of spring break.
This trimester in Social Studies I did a slide show on how to make silk. We were researching ancient China. I had to choose a topic from the options we had. I researched the who, what, where, when, why, how. The reason I am so proud of my work is that it took me a week and I think it turned out great. Check out my work right here!
Language Arts
In Language Arts, I am most proud of my edublogs. I enjoyed doing edublogs because you got to write about the activities that you do. Another reason I enjoyed doing this is that you can read other peoples blog and get inspiration from them. Check out my old posts!
The next project that I’m proud of is about percents. For this project, we had to research on how percents are used in an everyday life. Each slide had to have an example of what percents are used for. One reason I picked this slide is that when I showed it to my parents they gave me a good grade. This is my slideshow!
Then in science, we did a roller coaster made from foam. This project was hard because we had to make a marble go in a complete loop and it had to have two gaps. It took a while to finish the rollercoaster because the marble kept falling off the track or won’t finish the loop. The roller coaster had to have a lot of tape on it to keep it in place so the roller coaster looks really messy. This roller coaster taught me that when you are making things you have to be really precise.
Picture by: me
Finally, in Japanese class, I got 100% on a test. I was really happy because I don’t usually get all correct on a test. The test was on katakana.
This post will be about my childhood memories! The most vivid memory I had was when I was throwing my stuffed bunny up in the air, and I was throwing my bunny very close to the ceiling fan. My mom said to not do that or the bunny would be taken from me. Although she said this to me I did not care and kept doing the same thing. Finally, my mom then caught the bunny while it was in the air and throw it in the trash outside our house. I didn’t get the bunny for two years.
The next story was at Disney Land. I was waiting in the line for the Dumbo ride and decided to stick my head through the bars because I was bored. My dad had to go all the way through the line and push my head out from the other side of the bars. The reason I probably did it was because I loved the movie Bolt and wanted to stick my head through the bars like Bolt did. I will never stick my head through the bars ever again.
Finally, I used to watch a show called Pingu. The main character only said, ¨Noot, noot!¨ The main character was a penguin that did naughty stunts. One night I decided to run around the house yelling NOOT NOOT! I got in big trouble because it was late at night and all my neighbors were sleeping. That is all my embarrassing child hood stories.
Hey guys! This week I´ll be talking about what I am currently interested in. First of all, I really like watching funny YouTubers. For example, I enjoy watching Shane Dawson and James Charles. Another thing I enjoy doing is listening to Billie Eilish. Her song always has a good rhythm and her songs are relatable. When I have free time I will also look on Instagram and look at posts about Astrology. That’s all for today’s post see u guys later!
Hey, I’m back! It has been a long time and missed posting. Anyways I think the main topic of my blog should be about my experience moving from Hawaii to California. I know a lot of people can relate to this and I want this to be an open and KIND community. That is some reasons why I think that should be apart of my blog topics.
Another reason why that should be a topic is that about no one in my class is going to do that topic. I like to be different or unique in a good way. I am really going to try to keep you guy updated while in the process of moving. Hope you guys enjoyed reading this introductory post!