My Childhood Memories!

This post will be about my childhood memories! The most vivid memory I had was when I was throwing my stuffed bunny up in the air, and I was throwing my bunny very close to the ceiling fan. My mom said to not do that or the bunny would be taken from me. Although she said this to me I did not care and kept doing the same thing. Finally, my mom then caught the bunny while it was in the air and throw it in the trash outside our house. I didn’t get the bunny for two years.

The next story was at Disney Land. I was waiting in the line for the Dumbo ride and decided to stick my head through the bars because I was bored. My dad had to go all the way through the line and push my head out from the other side of the bars. The reason I probably did it was because I loved the movie Bolt and wanted to stick my head through the bars like Bolt did. I will never stick my head through the bars ever again.

Finally, I used to watch a show called Pingu. The main character only said, ¨Noot, noot!¨ The main character was a penguin that did naughty stunts. One night I decided to run around the house yelling NOOT NOOT! I got in big trouble because it was late at night and all my neighbors were sleeping. That is all my embarrassing child hood stories.


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